Football star David and fashion designer wife Victoria are reportedly trying for their fifth and final baby. The former Spice Girl and her 37-year-old husband already have four kids -Brooklyn, 13, Romeo, nine, Cruz, seven, and Harper, one, reported Daily Star online. "Both Victoria and David are very patriotic and would love it if she got pregnant while they are in London for the Olympics, especially as it is also the Queen's Diamond Jubilee year. Their other children were conceived overseas, so the duo are hoping that their final child will have a Made In Britain tag," a source said. "Brooklyn was famously named after where he was conceived in New York. And Victoria has joked that if she gets pregnant with a boy during the Olympics they are going to call him Stratford," it added. Apparently the couple want five children because of the number's symbolism. "They have always wanted five children to give them a family of seven - which is their lucky number. It's also the number that David wore on his England and Manchester United football shirts. "Victoria is really into symbolism, and she can't help but notice there are five rings in the Olympic logo and, of course, there were five members of the Spice Girls," the source said. Source: Screen India, ***