NCW chairperson Mamta Sharma on Tuesday reportedly said that women should be "careful about the way they dress because such incidents are a result of blindly aping the West". Mamta Sharma said this a day after NCW member Alka Lamba was removed from the fact-finding committee probing the Guwahati molestation case for naming the victim. Sharma is going to Guwahati on Wednesday to present the recommendations of the NCW's probe team. According to reports, Mamata Sharma said that women should be comfortable and careful about how they dress. "After 64 years of freedom, it is not right to give blanket directions... and say don’t wear this or don’t wear that. Be comfortable, but at the same time, be careful about how you dress.... Aping the West blindly is eroding our culture and causing such crimes to happen", she said. Mamata said the biggest challenge before the NCW today is changing the social mindset of discrimination against women On Monday, NCW removed Alka Lamba from its probe team that investigated the Guwahati molestation case for naming the victim. "Ms Alka Lamba, social activist who was the member of the NCW inquiry committee to inquire into the incident where a girl was allegedly attacked and molested after she came out of the bar in Dispur, Assam, is removed from the inquiry committee constituted by the Commission," a NCW statement issued said. "The views given by her to the press are her personal views and not of NCW," it added. Lamba had taken the girl's name while addressing the media. Source: Hindustan Times, ***