Those of us young enough to hang on for another 33 years may be able to extend those three decades into eternity. Of course, you'd have to be okay with living out the rest of your endless days as something better suited to a James Cameron movie. But if transforming into a cybernetic humanoid robot sounds like the thing for you, Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov's 2045 Initiative could use a little help from your personal chequing account in order to fund his dream of humans becoming immortal. The 31-year-old claims he has assembled a team of top scientists to work on the initiative — a six-stage project that would ultimately see our brains housed in a fully functional holographic human avatar by the year 2045. Itskov claims his idea will "free" the majority of people on the planet from "disease, old age and even death" through advanced neuroscience, nanotechnology and android robotics. Source: Article