Two young inquisitive minds, Apoorva Arora (Class XI) and Himanshu Sharma (Class VII), will host the new show Mystery Hunters India on TV channel Discovery Kids. The show will uncover facts about hidden Indian myths : It’s time for young viewers in India to go beyond cartoons and gather knowledge of the unexplored places in India. TV channel Discovery Kids is launching Mystery Hunters India, a new and exciting show that will feature hidden myths of India. Two inquisitive minds, Apoorva Arora and Himanshu Sharma, will host the show. The duo will travel all over the country and explore its hidden facets. Mystery Hunters will explore sacred and many other places of the country to discover the answers of hidden mysteries. The kids will travel the length and breadth of India to explore the places and delve into the tales which have bewildered people for ages. The kids were cherry picked for the show. Both Apoorva and Himanshu are bright kids with a bent of inquisitive mind. “We went to Peppara wildlife sanctuary in Kerala to unfold mystery behind the existence of Pygmy elephants in the jungle. It was altogether an exciting experience as we unfolded the mystery,” said Apoorva. “We took help of professionals like scientists, doctors, authors and did a lot of reading related to mysteries. We were assisted by Doubting Dev, the resident skeptical scientist, at the Mystery India Lab. He used his sense of humour to conduct fun experiments and uncover the truth,” said the duo. Unveiling the truth behind strange voice heard from Shanivarwada Fort, Apoorva shares, “I personally don’t believe in such unusual sounds. But, my curiosity led me to find out the facts behind the mystery. We found that those sounds were not of evil. Long back in 1773 after the death of the king of Shanivarwada Raja Madhav Rao, his brother Narayn Rao who was then 13 years became the successor. This was not acceptable by Narayan Rao’s uncle. One night Raghunath Rao had sent his guards to kill Narayan Rao. Since then it is believed that Narayan Rao doesn’t allow anyone to come near the fort. To find out the truth behind this mystery, we went to a nearby library to research and investigate the case.” Speaking about what drove the young ones to host the show, Himanshu said, “I was always eager to learn and participate in activities. Since my childhood, I was fascinated by television and I thought to be a part of this. My parents have played a major role in guiding me in exploring my passion.” “My enthusiasm and diligence to hone my skills led me to attend various workshops from National School of Drama in Delhi and subsequently I found myself in the advertisement arena, where I acted in several TV commercials,” said Apoorva. How do they manage academics and work? “We maintain a balance between studies and work. We don’t shoot for more than six hours a day and our entire shooting schedule was during summer vacation. Our parents and teachers are very supportive and we take home tuition on a regular basis which does not affect our studies,” said the duo. While sharing their adventurous experience, they said, “This is an exciting experience with a new concept from Discovery kids. We got to learn so many new things on our journey to unfold mysteries during the show. We are happy because we are getting a chance to share our knowledge with the kids of our age.” Catch the adventure and excitement on the show from December 22 at 6.00 pm. Source: The Hans India, Image: