Iranian web designers have ‘improved’ the dress of Obama’s wife Michelle which she chose to wear for the 2013 Academy Awards ceremony. Using a special computer program computer experts slightly ‘redesigned’ America’s First Lady’s dress by providing it with sleeves and a more modest neckline.
While American critics are arguing about the political meaning of Obama’s action at Oscar’s, the Iranian media decided to modify her image. According to The Guardian, the Fars news agency photoshopped Obama's dress to comply with the local rules. In Iran, there are restrictions on images of the female body in the media: while local women shown on Iran's state television should have a hijab that covers their hair, arms and legs, the foreign women, are tolerated without the hijab, but up to a point. Therefore, Fars redesigned Obama's dress so that it covered her chest and shoulders in a picture showing her announcing the award. "When Iranian media are obliged to use a picture that contravenes these rules, it is not unusual for Photoshop
to come to their rescue,” - the Guardian reports. - “Many foreign dignitaries and celebrities have fallen victim to the Islamic republic's censorship regime, including the EU's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.” Broadcasting foreign movies, the state TV can even edit them to cover up actors or delete them from a scene at all. Along with the First Lady’s contribution, the award ceremony surprised us by the song titled "I Saw Your Boobs," Channing Tatum admitting that he waxed his skin, Kristen Stewart’s limp on stage, and Sandra Bullock's comically grotesque face as she struggled to open the envelope to announce the award for Best Film Editing. So, the ceremony was surprising. Michelle Obama announced the winner of the 2013 Academy Awards Best Picture – the film Argo by Ben Affleck, which tells about the release of American diplomats who were taken hostage in Tehran in 1979. Voice of Russia, Interfax, Al Arabiya, Source: Voice of Russia