New Delhi After missing out on his perennial Eid release this year, Dabangg Salman Khan is now eyeing another important weekend in October. Salman plans to release his Mental, directed by younger brother Sohail Khan, on the ocassion of Gandhi Jayanti on October 2. Here's a catch, Salman's Mental will then clash with his Dabangg director Abhinav Kashyap's Besharam featuring RanbirKapoor, which also releases on the same day. Salman and his brother Arbaaz had a fall-out with Abhinav after he refused to directDabangg 2. Salman is also upset with Ranbir Kapoor, who is reportedly datingTiger's ex-flame Katrina. This is not the first time that there will be a Ranbir-Salman clash at the box office. In the past as well, Salman's God Tussi Great Hohad released with Ranbir's Bachna Ae Haseeno on August 15, 2008. Source: Express India, Image: