Bollywood’s ‘Tiger’ Salman Khan holds the belief that people should compete for doing charity. Salman said, “I feel there should be competition in this area (doing charity). I am sure everyone would be doing charity. I think everyone should open a charitable trust and then see where it reaches…to what level.” Salman who himself has started a charitable trust called ‘Being Human’ Foundation spoke about the inflow of it’s funds. “We do offer help to those whoneed money for education, cancer and ailments. From the industry Sanjay Dutt, Karan Johar have donated something. But we are not taking any help as such… money is coming from clothing (from the stores).” Salman owns stores of his clothing line ‘Being Human’ in Belgium, France, Middle East and Spain. Salman officially launched the flagship store for ‘Being Human’ in Mumbai on January 17. Prior to this two exclusive brand outlets were soft-launched in Mumbai and one each in Ludhiana and Ahmedabad. Source: Bollywood3