According to sources, actor Esha Gupta is likely to play the Indian version of the Hollywood character – Lara Croftfrom the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Reportedly, it is Esha’s uncanny resemblance to Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie that got her this role. A source said, “Esha was approached for the role as she’s tall and has a very athletic physique. Obviously, her looks are an advantage, as those who’ve seen the original will be able toconnect with the film better…” The project will be made by Indian producers and backed by a Hollywood studio. No other details about the project were provided. Source: Bollywood3
Friday, 8 March 2013
Esha Gupta as Indian Lara Croft?
According to sources, actor Esha Gupta is likely to play the Indian version of the Hollywood character – Lara Croftfrom the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Reportedly, it is Esha’s uncanny resemblance to Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie that got her this role. A source said, “Esha was approached for the role as she’s tall and has a very athletic physique. Obviously, her looks are an advantage, as those who’ve seen the original will be able toconnect with the film better…” The project will be made by Indian producers and backed by a Hollywood studio. No other details about the project were provided. Source: Bollywood3