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Monday, 12 August 2013

Motorola announces phone with voice-control capabilities

Motorola мобильные технологии
Google-owned Motorola launched a new Moto X phone with Touchless Control system to follow instructions from its owner. Now, users will be able to activate the phone only with a phrase - “OK Google now…”. “So at the end of the day what may attract people to replace their current smartphone is a completely new experience,” said Francisco Jeronimo, a mobile phones analyst at market intelligence firm IDC. As he noted, it’s going to be one of the biggest trends of the coming year. Voice commands by other systems are activated with a press of a button, while the new system is triggered just by a simple phrase Ok Google now..." and followed by the order. "If I have a device that just gets activated with one command, then that will be a lot easier," said Mr Jeronimo. "It's not a question of hardware, it's a question of user interface". Google will also give its customers extensive customization options - with multiple colorings, and personalized engravings. There are over 2,000 possible combinations for what could be created. Moto X is the first device to be designed by Motorola since Google bought it for $12.5 billion. The phone will be released in the US, Canada and Latin America starting in late August or early September with an approximate cost of $199 (£130) when bought as part of a two-year contract. Voice of Russia, The Guardian, Source: Article