Yellow Duck, the brand from Rohan Apparels which started off by creating collections for infants has gradually moved on to cover other categories. The brand has been witnessing 25 to 30 per cent growth per annum in the value for money segment. As Rohan Dedhia, Director, Rohan Apparels explains, “Yellow Duck was launched in 2000. We started with baby frocks and kept growing. Now, we cater to girls up to 12 years and offer fashion garments. Rohan Apparels is now looking at launching a few new brands and spreading its retail presence which includes online foray. New brand launch and increasing retailYellow Duck is present in 450 MBOs across India with North India being its strongest market. “We want to focus on the south now and in future, we will be in the large formats. We are also in discussions with some online retailers and in about six months, we should be online.” Also on the agenda is product expansion. As of now Yellow Duck’s main focus is on frocks, basic inners and casual pants. “The major product is frocks (Rs 450 to Rs 1,300). We want to start with sets for children up to three years of age by next summer,” explains Dedhia. For autumn winter ’13, the brand has played around with various kinds of fabrics. Elaborates Dedhia saying, “The market has a lot of digitals but we have gone further and launched photo digitals and graphic prints. Colours are bright. Bottoms have fancy colours like neons. For winter we have launched Yellow Duck Signature. The prices of products in this are 20 to 30 per cent higher than Yellow Duck. And in November, we will launch a third brand. This will be a private label for children at the premium level. The MRPs will be Rs 1,200 to Rs 2,500. We haven’t decided on the name, but it will be totally different from Yellow Duck.” Kids’ market scenarioDedhia feels consumer sentiment is bright and the market looks good. “Global brands have helped foster brand awareness. Earlier consumers never looked at labels but now they do. I don’t see serious competition between international and local brands though,” he avers. Talking about increasing brand awareness among parents, he says, “Parents certainly have to be kept in mind. Young parents especially are very brand conscious. They know about fabrics and cuts. And since we make fashion garments, we find it easy to cater to them.” Source: Article