By Bubbles Sabharwal: Why is it we think by running away from a problem it will vanish? We run away on holiday or binge drink or fall into a pit of self pity or simply pretend it doesn’t exist. How many of us like to show a strong smiling face to the outside world, while battling deeply within? How many of us realise that everyone faces their demons, everyone fights deadlocks, that courage is not the absence of fear, courage is the outcome of facing and fighting the fear. Not running away from it? The word scared is not a word to fear, if we could turn around the consonant ‘c’ in scared, the word would become sacred. And ‘c’, which stands for courage is just another word for standing and fighting, not crying and hiding. Just as ‘c’ stands for courage it also stands for choice — it’s our choice. Whether we run and hide or stay and fight. Transforming the obstacle into oppurtunity, the anger and fear into tolerance and perseverance is the key to change. And situations can be changed, karma can be changed! Often we fail to acknowledge that the problem lies within us. We created the problem, just as the solution lies within us, we need to work towards it. We fail to take onus for our actions. We tend to believe the fault lies with the situation or our family or a friend or an employer, definitely with an outside force. The blame game is perfected by us and taught to our children from a young age. It’s all they see, the father blames the mother, the mother blames the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law blames the daughter-in-law... the circle is like a noose, tight and vicious. Our actions are governed by a strict rule of cause and effect, if the cause we make is wrong, the effect has to be wrong. We bring on our own misfortune by our actions. We tend to always take problems to bed with us, live with regret and dwell in the past. The past must be let go off, the present is the only true moment to live in. It will never come again, so each day must be treasured, lived mindfully and with honesty. Leading a life of self indulgence is not fun filled or entertaining, it in fact leaves you feeling hollow and purposeless. We have to be committed to bettering ourselves, to choose to defeat our obstacles, to battle our weaknesses, to dare rather than retreat, so our life brims over with vitality and energy. A champion is one who fights in a battle and wins, who chooses to face the problem and overcome it, who chooses cheerfulness over gloom and courage over fear! (The writer is a theatre director and novelist) Source: