Meenakshi Kumar: The Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is promoting khadi denim in India. The collection has a smooth texture and is a little softer than regular denim, is eco-friendly and skin-friendly, boasts of an array of jackets, jeans and shirts for men and women. The design which are hand-spun and hand-woven, reflects a strong Indo-western flavor and is especially crafted to cater to the style needs of India's youth.
The range is being promoted across KVIC’s sales outlets in India. There are approximately 7,500 outlets spread across cities. The range has already been launched in Delhi. Overall, KVIC has department sales centers in New Delhi, Goa, Patna, Agartala, Bhopal, Jodhpur, Kolkata and Mumbai.
With this initiative, KVIC is trying to popularize indigenous products among India's youth and generate new employment opportunities in remote areas. It’s planning to launch franchise schemes so that these products are available in local markets. KVIC is an apex organization under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Be it design or fashion, it’s trying to present a new and refurbished image of khadi. Source: