India on Friday recorded the highest single-day spike of almost 50,000 fresh COVID-19 cases in 24 hours taking the total tally to 12,87,945, with the death toll also crossing the 30,000 mark, the Union Health Ministry data revealed
India recorded 49,310 fresh COVID-19 cases with 740 fresh deaths, the overall toll reached 30,601. But the recovery rate stood at 63.45 percent with as many as 8,17,209 cured, which is almost twice the number of active patients at 4,40,135.
Being the third-worst hit country, India is now adding a lakh case every three days. On Monday, the country had crossed the 11 lakh-mark and it is just 13,000 cases less to 13 lakh-mark.
The highest spike in cases was reported from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat.
Maharashtra remained the worst-hit state, with 3,47,502 cases and 12,854 fatalities, followed by Tamil Nadu with total 1,92,964 cases, and 3,232 deaths.
Karnataka, the new hotspot state, crossed 80,000 cases.
With 1,041 new coronavirus cases and 26 deaths in the last 24 hours, the national capital now has a total tally of 1,27,364 cases and 3,745 deaths.
Gujarat has 52,477 cases, Uttar Pradesh (58,104), Rajasthan (33,220), Madhya Pradesh (25,474), West Bengal (51,757), Haryana (28,975), Andhra Pradesh (72,711), Telangana (50,826), Assam (28,791), Jammu and Kashmir (16,429), Kerala (16,110), Odisha (21,099) and Bihar (31,980). Source: