Freedom of expression also has its limitations: Trudeau

- Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that we will always defend the freedom of expression. However, there are limitations to freedom of expression. In this case, the limit should not be violated.
- He made the remarks when asked about the recent insult to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in France.
- Trudeau said certain communities should not be hurt indiscriminately and unnecessarily. There must be boundaries in the expression of opinion and it should not be violated. We need to show respect to others. Those with whom we share everything in society and in the world should not be hurt indiscriminately and unnecessarily.
- “We do not have the right for example to shout fire in a movie theatre crowded with people, there are always limits,” he said.
- “We are responsible for the impact of what we say, how we treat others, especially those communities and people who have experienced horrific discrimination,” Trudeau said.Condemning the terrorist attack in France, Trudeau said it was unreasonable and Canada strongly condemned the act, standing by our French friends who are going through a very difficult time. Source:
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