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Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Tel Aviv approves plan for building 4 new settlement projects

Tel Aviv has approved plans to build four new settlement projects in the occupied West Bank along with planning construction of 9,000 settlement units north of al-Quds, according to Palestinian and Israeli media report. 

Israeli Transportation Minister Miri Regev approved the four new settlement projects in the occupied West Bank on Sunday. 
According to Palestine’s Ma’an news agency, the Planning and Building Committee of the al-Quds Municipality has also begun the process of approving the construction of 9,000 settlement housing units in Atarot settlement. 

According to sources, several thousand units of settlements will be built near the near the abandoned al-Quds International Airport (Qalandia), whose lands were occupied in the early 1970s. The construction of the city of Jerusalem was planned a few years ago but was postponed several times by Tel Aviv due to international political pressure. Source: