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Tuesday 5 January 2021

Taliban commander among 13 killed in Afghan airstrikes

At least 13 militants including a Taliban group commander Mohammed Omar were killed in air raids in Batikot district of Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province over the past 24 hours, said a statement of provincial government released on Monday. 

Mohammed Omar, who served as Taliban group commander in the area, was a former Taliban prisoner released from government prison months ago, the statement said. 

As per the US-Taliban so-called peace deal inked in February last year, the Afghan government set free more than 5,000 Taliban inmates in exchange for 1,000 security personnel from Taliban custody.

According to Afghan officials, hundreds of the Taliban fighters freed by the government have returned to battleground. 

The Taliban outfit which begun peace talks with the Afghan government on September 12 in line with the US-Taliban peace deal, has rejected the government claim, saying no released Taliban has returned to battle. DailyBangladesh/AN, Source: