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Thursday 22 August 2024

Brazil and Chile sign landmark agreement to boost personal care, fragrance and cosmetics trade

Brazil and Chile conclude negotiations on the Brazil-Chile Trade Facilitating Initiative for the Cosmetic Products Sector. The agreement aims to simplify regulations, reduce trade barriers and promote economic growth in the personal hygiene, perfumery and cosmetics industries for both countries.

Key objectives of the agreement include eliminating the requirement for a Free Sale Certificate, reducing prior health requirements, harmonizing labeling and good manufacturing practices and strengthening market surveillance.

By converging regulatory frameworks, the two nations seek to create a more seamless trading environment without compromising product safety and quality.

Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of market surveillance to ensure product safety and consumer protection.

This landmark agreement is expected to yield numerous benefits, including reduced costs for businesses, increased legal certainty, enhanced competitiveness and a smaller environmental footprint.

Both countries anticipate that this agreement will increase legal certainty, improve competitiveness, reduce environmental impact and promote cooperation between regulatory agencies.The agreement is pegged as a model for future trade negotiations in other sectors and between other countries, particularly within Latin America. Brazil and Chile sign landmark agreement to boost personal care, fragrance and cosmetics trade